
7 05 2008

Here’s a question for ya: Why does the ice cream truck show up in our neighborhood at 4:45 each day? Ignoring how this must frustrate mothers (I am one; it does), isn’t it just poor business sense to try to sell an item to a target audience of children who have no money of their own and thus rely on their parents to provide it, at a time (alllllmost dinner time!) when parents are most unlikely to provide said money?


I made this little eye patch for Ethan. Isn’t he arrrr-dorable? (YOU think of a word synonomous with “cute” and also containing the pirate sound, I dare you.)


Cinnamon sugar puff cupcakes:

Totally Unnecessary, I’m not going to deny it. Can you just feel all the weight I’ve lost making its way back?


I keep having very vivid dreams that Oliver has sprouted a mouthful of teeth- in fact, more teeth than most human adults have; they are seriously crammed in there- overnight, and the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is pry his little mouth open to check and ensure that this is not true. I wonder what on earth this could mean. I need to make that dentist appointment I’ve been putting off for so long?  That’s my best guess.


I received a very awesome book in the mail a few days ago to review, which I have done and will post soon. But I wanted to let you all know that following the review, I’ll be giving the book away- yay!- so be on the lookout for the contest, and let people know.



3 responses

7 05 2008

Maybe your dreams have something to do with your Booby Fevers?

And can you post the recipe for those yummy looking cupcakes?

7 05 2008

I’m glad you’re getting a chance to use the cupcake cookbook…now I don’t have to make them all myself to find out if they are good. In a related story, I got a new one “500 cupcakes” about a month ago, so we’ll have to swap that one for the one you have next time I see you.

7 05 2008

I could eat about six of those RIGHT THIS SECOND.

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